
How to Handle Major Grease Trap Cleanings – Food Talk Online


Some traps require more effort than others to be cleaned. This article will provide a step-by-step guide to grease traps that require slightly more effort in comparison to the standard trap.

A grease trap that is especially designed for fried food is more challenging to clear. Cleaning the grease traps, you could want to use an air vacuumer to eliminate any liquid that is left. You will be able to get more time out of the process, particularly with larger grease traps.

It is essential to remove as much liquid from the trap as it is feasible. It doesn’t have to be clean as a grease trap will be normally quite filthy from the use, but preventing accumulation of grease can help you prolong your next grease trap cleaning.

It’s not the most enjoyable task and it has to be done within a short time. Cleansing grease traps is crucial for your restaurant because they’ll keep your sanitation standards high and make your establishment better organized and ready to be able to serve customers.


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